رویکرد احتمالاتی تحلیلی
The analytical probabilistic approach was developed to provide an alternative to the two conventional approaches (e.g.
More recently, the capabilities of the analytical probabilistic approach were expanded with (1) the derivation of additional equations to separately model channel reaches (Guo and Zhuge 2008, Guo et al. 2009); (2) the incorporation of a hydrologic element aggregation strategy and a probabilistic rainfall areal reduction method (Guo and Dai 2009); (3) the application of the analytical probabilistic approach to study low-impact development practices such as rainwater harvesting systems, green roofs, rain gardens, and bioretention systems (Guo and Baetz 2007, Zhang and Guo 2013a, 2013b, 2014); and (4) the consideration of both infiltration and saturation-excess runoff (Guo et al. 2012).
Historically, Eagleson (1972) first applies the analytical probabilistic approach for relating flood frequency characteristics with rainfall and catchment characteristics.
Adams and Papa (2000) summarize advances made in the application of the analytical probabilistic approach to the urban stormwater management problems.
The analytical probabilistic approach used here has in common with the stochastic approach the
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